
Fall 2024

12-Month Journey


InnerDharma™ is a profoundly deep spiritual healing journey created to help guide you on your path back home to yourself and awaken to your highest potential for this lifetime.

This is a powerful, new, unique system designed to help you cultivate inner harmony, crystal clear intuition, and bulletproof belief in yourself to embody your fullest potential and fulfill your dreams.

Who is it for?

InnerDharma™ was created specifically for those who identify as sensitive and empathic high-achievers.

An Empath is someone who can feel the energy and emotions of other people, animals, nature, environments, and things. Empaths tend to be very compassionate, caring, and take on a lot of responsibility to help others.

High-achievers are people who always strive to reach their highest potential in everything they pursue and experience, even to the detriment of their own well-being.

Sensitive beings are those who feel everything on a very deep level and therefore have a rich inner world. Highly-sensitives tend to be very intelligent, emotional, and are easily physically stimulated.

Because of the rich inner world of empaths and sensitive beings, they are usually confronted with great suffering and challenges in this lifetime. These challenges may manifest as various traumas, grief, depression, anxiety, addictions, codependency, burnout, feeling lost, etc. This makes this lifetime an especially powerful part of their soul’s journey because they came here to transcend this suffering and move into higher states of consciousness - joy, love, and peace.

InnerDharma™ is a spiritual growth journey meant to help empathic and sensitive high-achievers transcend lower vibrations of unworthiness into an awakened state of consciousness in which they can embody their highest truth and potential.

This program is a MUST for anyone who wants to transform any and all aspects of their lives. It is the foundation of self-care and empowerment that will help you thrive on your soul-aligned career path, in creating healthy, soulmate relationships, and cultivating vitality in your physical body.

To experience this life as an empath and sensitive person is an exceptional gift. In fact, it is a superpower! InnerDharma™ is meant to safely and gently help people realize this gift, and thus help them feel empowered to create the life of their dreams.

  • How to navigate emotional rollercoasters and self-soothe

  • Transcending of limiting beliefs and cultivation of healthier thought patterns

  • How to protect your energy as an empath

  • The awakening of your intuitive gifts and psychic senses

  • How energy (and yours specifically) works

  • How to heal yourself and fully integrate your mental, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual facets.

  • The igniting of your creativity & effortless motivation

  • How to effortlessly attract and magnetize a life you love

  • Healthy and fulfilling relationships

  • How to overcome unhealthy addictions and develop healthier habits

You will experience:

  • Your soul-purpose and the path to embodying/creating it

  • How to use your dreams as a powerful tool for healing and creativity

  • How to meditate deeply

  • The power of your breath on your nervous system regulation

  • The healing effect of sound and your voice

  • Healthy ways to move your body

  • How to intuitively makes choices that honor your unique body’s needs

  • Crystal clear and soul-aligned decision making

  • Genuine confidence and belief in yourself

  • Deep trust in yourself and the divine timing of life

Program Structure

InnerDharma™ is a rich and profoundly healing year-long program divided into three powerful modules.

This long, extensive format is essential as it provides space and time for you to grow at your own pace in a fully supported, intimate container.

This program is meant to complement and contribute to the success of your daily life, creating a more meaningful life experience for you.


Module 1

(Dates TBA)

Laying the foundation for self-healing abilities by cultivating safety and deep relaxation.

Step 1: Plant the Seed

Step 2: Emotional Alchemy

Step 3: Mindset Magic

Step 4: Awaken Your Intuition


Module 2

(Dates TBA)

Awakening your power to see and transform energy and gain deeper trust within yourself.

Step 5: Seeing Energy

Step 6: Returning to You

Step 7: Healing Relationships

Step 8: Trusting Yourself


Module 3

(Dates TBA)

Bringing your dreams into reality through spiritual guidance and effortless action.

Step 9: The Dreamer in You

Step 10: Your Expansive Self

Step 11: Create Your Reality

Step 12: Liberation

Meet Your Guide

Marissa, CEO of Dharma Dojo, has created InnerDharma™ through a lifetime of personal experience and professional training. She used to experience rollercoasters of depression, addiction, anxiety, toxic relationships, and dissatisfaction in her career, but with InnerDharma™, she has been able to confidently build her soul-aligned business full-time, magnetize healthy and fulfilling relationships, fall in love with herself on a daily basis, consistently prioritize herself first, and experience the freedom to joyfully live the life of her dreams.

She didn’t always know that she was an empath. She didn’t grow up with the tools to gain awareness around how to best wield these gifts as superpowers. She thought her highly emotional nature was a weakness and it caused her great suffering. Marissa learned to cope by striving for outside validation through her achievements and relationships.

She has spent the past 15+ years on her own spiritual growth and healing journey, learning what has worked for her and hasn’t. In hindsight, she realized that the road to where she is now didn’t have to be quite so long and arduous if she hadn’t had to figure it all out for herself. The creation of InnerDharma™ was inspired by the desire to provide a road map for people that embodies all aspects of healing in the most simple, easily-digestible way possible.

Although InnerDharma™ provides a path and structure for people to follow, the container it’s held in is also meant to be flexible and fluid. It is personalized and ever-evolving for each new group of people that commit to this journey together. It is meant to be a co-creation of possibility and exploration. It is a safe container to explore the true nature of oneself.

What else you need to know…

When & Where:

Welcome Session: TBA

Primary Weekly Sessions: TBA

Secondary 2x/Month Sessions: TBA

There will be breaks for holidays and time to integrate between modules. Dates/times are subject to change based on enrollment and unforeseen circumstances. Although we encourage you to attend live, we understand life happens, and sessions will be recorded for you to keep. All live sessions will be held over Zoom. Dates are to be announced.

What’s Included:

Online community space

Unlimited Voice/text support 3-5 days per week (typically M-F)

Optional private sessions provided at a special rate: $111/hour (valued at $222/hour). Includes psychic readings, healings, and/or coaching.

Complimentary Dharma Dojo monthly membership (valued at $111/month). Includes 1x/week healings, 1x/week group coaching, and online community space.

Various weekly homework, meditations, exercises.

Your Commitment

Commitment to a daily self-care practice (this will be co-created together).

Commitment to making this a safe space for yourself and others to heal in this intimate container.

Commitment to show up consistently for live sessions.

Commitment to stay open minded and willing to grow in ways that are beyond your wildest imagination.

Ready to transform your life?

Click below to REGISTER if you know in your heart you are ready to join!

We know this is an exciting, yet big commitment and want you to feel 100% ready and certain that this is the right fit for you right now!

If you’re feeling a rush of excitement in your body or curiosity as you scrolled through this page, and want to find out more before joining, we invite you to schedule a Co-Creator call with Marissa ASAP!

We have already begun so get yourself enrolled NOW!


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